
C# is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language that can be used to perform a wide range of tasks and objectives that span over a variety of professions. It is is primarily used on the Windows .NET framework, although it can be applied to an open source platform. This highly versatile programming language is an object-oriented programming language.

C# can be used to create a number of different programs and applications: mobile apps, desktop apps, cloud-based services, websites, enterprise software and games. It is remarkably versatile, there are three areas in which it is most commonly used. They are website development, windows applications and games. 

What will you learn
  • You can identify and resolve problems (debug /trouble shoot) in C#.NET window based application.

  • You can demonstrate knowledge of object-oriented concepts Design user experience and functional requirements of C#.NET application.

  • You can Write a program to create a form with Basic controls in c#. NET.

  • You can also Write a program to store the employee details using class and methods in C# .NET.

  • After completion of this course you will be able to use the features of Dot Net Framework along with the features of C#.

  • you should have computer knowledge and have a prior learning experience in C or C#.


  • 16 Lessons
  • 04:35:02 Hours
  • Lesson 1 : Introduction to C#, Environment setup, Running C# program.00:09:18
  • Lesson 2 : Data types in C#, Data type converting, -one into another type. 00:19:51
  • Lesson 3 : Variable in C#, variable declaring rules, Types of variables, Constants, Types of operators in C#. 00:39:36
  • Lesson 4 : Decision making with if, Else if, switch, loops with for, While and do while.00:31:15
  • Lesson 5 : Method creation in C#, Nullable types, Encapsulating methods and classes.00:13:53
  • Lesson 6 : Arrays, Strings Array Declaration, Definition, Inserting data into Array, Retrieving data from Array, Strings, String methods.00:19:31
  • Lesson 7 : Introduction to structures, Creating and accessing structure data, Creating user-defined data types with Enum.00:13:08
  • Lesson 8 : Introduction to OOP, C# Classes, Inheriting base class to child class.00:16:44
  • Lesson 9 : Introduction to polymorphism, Method overloading and method overriding.00:14:47
  • Lesson 10 : Operator Overloading method, Creating interfaces, Implementing interfaces in other classes. 00:16:06
  • Lesson 11 : Creating custom namespaces and -using in other programs.00:12:11
  • Lesson 12 : Handling Exception using try, Throw, catch block, Read/Write file in C#.00:17:36
  • Lesson 13 : Creating attributes for classes, Creating properties, Accessing properties using get, set. 00:15:18
  • Lesson 14 : Introduction to collections, Creating Array List, Hash, Creating generic classes for dynamic -data type declaration. 00:20:36
  • Lesson 15 : Introduction to Unsafe codes, Creating and running multi threads.00:15:12
  • C# .NET : Assessment

About instructor

Name : Mr. Jayamurugan BE
Reviews : 132 Reviews
Student : 345 Students
Courses : 5 Courses


Based on 116 Reviews

Priyadharshini R - Wed, 21-Apr-2021

Kisshore M - Tue, 27-Dec-2022

parthiban m parthi - Sun, 31-Dec-2023