VMC is
the most economical and most effective way of processing metals and other
Most VMC machines have three axes, x axis, y axis and z axis. The axis means the number of motors that can be individually driven to control the position of the tool. The X axis is usually left to right, the Y axis is pointing forward, and the Z axis is pointing up and down. In the standard 3-axis VMC, the cutter remains in the vertical direction. the cutting head in this milling machine is vertical and is a special type of milling machine in which the spindle moves in a vertical axis called the z axis. It has simpler configuration, management and functionality.
What will you learn
The learners should be able to understand the concept and techniques of CNC / VMC Machining.
You will be able to understand how to write drilling program by manually using G codes and M code.
You will be familiar with writing face milling program and circular pocket program by manually using G codes and M codes.
You will be able to understand how to write fillet and chamfer program and sub program for square pocket by manually using g codes and m codes.
- Basic knowledge of CNC-VMC is required.
- 21 Lessons
- 06:18:25 Hours
- About cnc ,Advantages of cnc ,Disadvantages of cnc, Method of programing ,Components in cnc ,Types of cnc, Tools in cnc ,Reference points, G codes, M codes.00:26:45
- VMC introduction, G codes, M codes.00:18:37
- How to set the work and tool, How to insert the program, How automatic tool changer work, How CNC-VMC work.00:04:13
- Types of reference, Types of co-ordinate system.00:11:03
- How to write drilling program by manually using G codes and M code.00:22:22
- How to write face milling program by manually using G codes and M codes.00:12:09
- How to write circular pocket program by manually using G codes and M codes.00:12:13
- How to write fillet and chamfer program by manually using g codes and m codes.00:20:39
- How to write sub program for square pocket by manually using G codes and M codes.00:17:26
- How to write sub program for circular pocket by manually using G codes and M codes.00:13:07
- Types of cutter compensation, Cutter compensation manual program.00:24:43
- Programming steps in software, Prepare the Model in cad, Import the model in cad, File types, Define milling and operation.00:07:38
- How to write face milling program by using CAM (CRE-O) software.00:33:25
- How to write face drilling program by using CAM (CRE-O) software.00:33:02
- How to write face fillet and chamfer program by using CAM (CRE-O) software.00:24:02
- Roughing option, How to write pocket program by using CAM (CRE-O) software.00:17:50
- Volume roughing option, How to write pocket program by using CAM (CRE-O) software.00:14:01
- Drilling, engraving, fillet in single CAM (CRE-O) program.00:17:18
- Making critical job in CREO, Making cam program CREO, Save that program.00:38:38
- Video Project.00:09:14
- CNC - VMC : Assessment
About instructor


Good Teaching.

Well structured course. Keep it up and keep growing

Good Teaching ,Thank you so much sir.

Excellent explanation

Good teaching and good explaining basic to advanced